
Showing posts from May, 2017


It's my baby's first birthday!! I thought it'd be nice to share what I've learned so far in my parenthood journey. I hope it helps someone out here, either planning to be a mother, soon to be a mother and already a mother or parent. 1. The joy of firsts. Everything about this phase is great. You get to experience your little human grow up and it's so magical. Trust me a few things are going to get broken, chewed up, hit, destroyed, but it's worth it and funny too. 2. Lack of sleep is something you are going to have to get used to. There's no way around it. 3. Sleep training sometimes works and other times it doesn't. These little humans are too clever. 4. Sacrifice. You will always put your child first before yourself. Always. 5.Baby teeth are sharp. 6. Baby nails are sharp too and they grow too fast. 7. Photos and videos are awesome. 8. Breastfeeding will hurt at some point but trust me, it gets better 9. Ask and accept support 10. Grandparents are the ...